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AFO Product Range


Custom crafted devices fit for every client

Explore our range of AFOs here. Don't see what you need or want? Get in touch to discuss other options!


PDE - Posterior Dynamic Element

Gain access to carbon-fibre equivalent durability in a light weight form factor. This is easier to heat adjust than wet or prepreg laminate.  Less health risks when grinding Nylon than carbon-fibre and you can choose between a flexible or rigid toe plate.

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SMO - Supramalleolar orthosis

Allows stiffness at the hindfoot whilst rapidly changing to thinner areas in the dorsal wraps and toe plate. Achieves symmetry in stiffness and flexibility that is almost impossible in traditional manufacturing methods.


RAFO - Resting AFO

Achieve a Resting AFO that ensures compliance! This AFO achieves muscle stretching through controlling the alignment of the mid/hindfoot and remains cool as a breeze.


ROM RAFO - Range of Motion Resting AFO 

Why not add a hinge and strap to the Resting AFO so the client can increase their dorsiflexion range over time? The research shows that dynamic stretch provides greater results than static stretch. When paired with dorsi-assist joints you can get rid of static stretching straps altogether! 
